Don't anyhow use dulan on ppl leh..
Don't anyhow use dulan on ppl leh..
Since I'm a little bit free now because my fyp tutor said i can choose not to see him next week if I don't want to (Read: He's getting sick of me.), I'll crap abt how i waste my time away these days..
Monday, I played badminton for the shiokest time! Played somehow non-stop and I think I've managed to stretch most parts of my muscles! Haha.. The post-exercise muscleache wasn't so bad because this time I've learnt to do some warmups before the game begins. But somehow.. I think we have been a little inconsiderate to some ppl. Don't know why, I feel quite bad about it. So, I've decided not to play badminton in school during this semester anymore. All work and no play makes ys a very dull person. but it's ok. Abit more playing doesn't make me very happening also. and who wants to be happening??! argh.
Shopping should just do the trick. :)
Tuesday, The first step is always the most difficult step to take... I had difficulty getting up from my bed after yesterday's game. So, I missed the first lesson of the day. sighs.
I met He Yulan(HYL) laoshi finally and I'm glad she had brought me some light to my fyp. a tiny weeny bit. but it's still better than nothing. I've been procrastinating to meet her because I don't wanna meet her just to ask her for her codes. But still, I gave in, garnered all my thickskinness and met her in the end.
Wednesday, Went to school early to attempt my real time system's lab assignment. wahkao, it's not as simple as i think. I over-estimated myself already lah, stupid shan. Spent most of the time in lab freezing (in fear?) rather than racking my brains to finish the assignment. I wondered how do the lab technicians survive in that kind of environment without having to wear an addition winter sweater or jackets?!
Anyway, in conclusion, I left the lab with lotsa question marks.
Thursday, Went to school early again to read up stuff about my fyp. This fyp is getting on my nerves already. My core subjects are complaining to me that they need more attention from me. Sighs.
damn fyp, the attention grabber.
Friday, Happy birthday to tigger. I intentionally missed the morning econs lecture for the 1328629452th time. Don't be mistaken, I'm also equally worried about this subject. But, the lecturer sux, and I forbid myself from being confused by him anymore. Ohh.. i wore the orange flare skirt and a pair of mismatching green canvas shoes to school. So terrible. I don't have the courage to lift up my head and i had to keep guarding my skirt from the wind. Ys, the jie ban ren of marilyn monroe? NO WAY!!! And guess what? This had shaken me so much that I've to get a new pair of shoes at Bata, IMMEDIATELY after lessons. haha. But i'm quite satisfied by my impulsive buy, it costs only 15bucks but it looks alot more decent than whatever I was wearing.
No more orange skirts in school in future.
Later, i went to eat and KTV with his frens later. ok lah. quite fun. cus cha xuan gave us a super big room for 6 of us!! the screen is projector type of screen leh.. wireless mics lehh.... mai siao siao ok.. :)
oh yah, back to the topic, the assistant at cha xuan was getting very irritating to some of the guys because she kept looking in, and kept asking us for drinks orders from time to time. well, personally i think she did overdo a little bit lah. but i think she's trying to be friendly, no harm. but one of them got super irritated and screamed "dulan ah" into the mic. because i think the door was half opened and i think the assistant could have heard us. I felt abit sorry for the assistant.
Anyway, I'm thankful that we had our last order before the dulan incident.
If not..... I think i would be squatting in the toilet now instead of squatting in front of my lappy typing down all these.
Today, I'm going out to havoc eat and mabbe chill out again. To make up for the loss of attention for my fyp and other core subjects, I've arranged a time with deanna to study tomorrow.
hope we'll really study.... and no, not study anime.. :x
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