Tuesday, January 02, 2007



I get really upset when someone who likes to spend money on expensive clothes commented that I likes to spend money. The fact is, she gets to travel a lot due to work and her in-laws are overseas, so she has to travel as well. But me, I just like to travel with a group of friends while we are still young. Imagine, when everyone has their own little family to take care of. What are the chances of friends traveling together? Every family has their own places to go and their own stuffs to do. Priority for friends will drop to rock bottom. Organizing a gathering is spore itself will only get more and more difficult. Oh ya, as we are climbing up the corporate ladder, it gets even harder to control your time too. Why am I so upset?

"Hey! I'm going taiwan next year~~ (i wanted to ask if she has anything she wants from tw)"

"Woah.. you really know how to spend money hhuh.." - not a jokingly tone.

":'( Ouch."

I wanted to share my joy. But all I got is disapproval. It's very sad when you spent so much effort and money on something and some people just poured cold water on you. Well, at least, I don't spend a few hundred bucks on a pair of shorts which will shrunk by a few inches when it's first washed.

I'm not angry with her. Just feeling upset. Perhaps, she really struck a guilty chord in me.



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